Ikat fabric weaving is an ancient and a complicated art.
Our ikats have its origins from Fergana valley of Uzbekistan and are made of silk and cotton.
All stages of the production are done by hand and sometimes legs are involved in the process as well.
Story between you and
the garment
Ikat fabric weaving is an ancient and a complicated art.
Our ikats have its origins from Fergana valley of Uzbekist and are made of silk and cotton.
All stages of the production are done by hand and sometimes legs are involved in the process as well.
Artisans create contours of a future pattern directly on the threads before dying.
They hand-wrap the threads following the pattern to protect different areas from dying.
During the dye bath wrapping is remove and changed again many times.

Artisans create contours of a future pattern directly on threads before dying.
They hand-wrap threads following the pattern to protect different
During the dye bath wrapping is remove and changed again many times.
Female artisans
Most of our weavers are women for whom traditional crafts are their main source of income.
This craft requires an incredible skill and immense patience.
Our aim is to form bilateral relationships with artisans that have long-term impact and preserve dying crafts.

Meet the makers


Creative assistant



Textile operator